Friday, October 24, 2008

Country Central Security Force

Friends, in this Blog i am proposing an idea regarding improving the security in our country.

the simple reason for writing this blog ...
.i have a habit of thinking about the country current issues...

This Blog is dedicated to my country people on " world Peaceful Day - Oct 24 "

NOTE: the concept and wording used in this blog are given by me.If it resembles or coincides with ideas of any person or organisation, it is just a coincidence.

Our country should have a central security force named as "Country Central Security Force". This can be formulated with following responsible person's in the country...

Department : Country Central Security Force
Counselor: President
Chairperson: Home Minister
Supreme Members (9) :CBI (3), Intelligence(3) , Army chief, Navy chief and Air force chief
one among them is chief supreme
Executive Members: Home ministers of every state is an Executive members
Members: Top police official from every state is a valid member of this group

The vision , Mission and Mode of functionality are not yet finalized.

thank U : thanks for spending your valuable time here....

" some people make the world happen:: More watch the world happen:: Most wonder what happened"

for suggestions