Dear Friends in this blog i want to write my experience and way of life style in Belgaum, Karnataka.
I went to Belgaum to complete my industrial training in Hindalco, AdityaBirla Group of Industries.
My journey started from calicut railway station on May 15 early morning 3 a.m in purna express......
i reached belguam around 9 p.m. , i stayed in Hotel in the city .
We have received permission from company one month before while we are in college only.
Next Day i went to Industry i got permission in to the plant and id card etc... But one bad news they informed was they cannot provide the Rooms.
We have to find the rooms for one month in the Belgaum.. I went to training with one of my classmate in m tech. He belongs to karnataka .
The industry is around 10 k.m from city and industry people suggested that we can search rooms city outside. In this area I found one medical, dental and 2 or 3 Homeopathy college are there.
My friend went to relatives home and he told to stay few more days in Hotel mean while he will arrange some room.....
I took the responsibility of searching the room .
I started searching rooms around 3 p.m ...I went to Hostels , Houses and new apartments ;;;; no use, no body was ready to give for one month.... But enjoyed the streets of Belgaum which are full of beautiful MBBs and MDS students... Really they are beautiful.. they gave encouragement to walk on the streets of Belgaum even without food on that day.... I walking continuously still beautiful faces i am founding . it is really memorable day for me during industrial trip..
My room hunt is going on..... it is already 8 p.m
One Gentleman i found getting down from bike and entering into a house. i called him and informed about my situation ; ;
he suggested one single old room under his apartments. He introduced me to House owner Mrs. Aswini ji . She is respectable women... I requested her and she accepted but she is waiting for her husband permission.. It is already 8.30 p.m
I observed that if her husband comes may be problem for my Room Deal so immediately i gave 100 more Rupees what she asked and finalised the room for 1100/-. The Gentleman supported me alot in that situation. He is one of my best friend in Belgaum( His name is
Abhijeet DandekarI went to my hotel room and returned to Aswiniji home around 9.30 with my luggage.
Her husband waiting for me. He started interrogation asked my Id card of college and industrial permission letter and other proofs .He told , room will be cleaned tomorrow....
I entered the old storage room around 9.45 p.m. No Tube light, No Fan No mat , only one incandescent bulb. I can say that night sleep is worst sleep in my life so far....It is store room so mosquito also enjoyed very much with my hot positive confidence blood( A + is my blood group)
Shocking news on next i have is my owner is DSP and his name is Havel...
My owner family is small family ; two children Nishu and ciri (5 and 2 years old).
My industrial training is half day only, 8 a.m to 12 p.m..
i taken food from one student mess during these days...
I have friends in belgaum... Jadeer ( doing Homeopathy belongs to calicut,kerala) , Mahesh( belongs to belgaum ,, doing Homeopathy...)
visiting Medical student's laboratory is one of memorable experience in belgaum days..'
One fine afternoon (when no prof.. are there) i visited Jadeer"s college laboratory...
I saw live parts of human body which are kept in preservators....
When i saw the internal structure of lungs, brain, heart , spinal cord and all control mechanisms of human body.. We really wonder about gods creativity and greatness....
I saw
dead body without skin..It is really a thrilling experience for me..( of course my industrial training friend unable to come to dead body place... )...
my industrial training is full of enjoyments with different experiences.....
industrial visit, mess, chatting , moving on the roads of belgaum in evening, eating mangos of owner's tree,friendship with jadeer and is really fun in belgaum days....
People i met during my industrial training in HINDALCO, Biral Group of industris, Belgaum works..
Mr. Ajay (HRD manager)
Mr. Nesarge( Energy Manager)
Gudi mani and Hittlemani
Redekar, Thamnekar,Ekbote,anigolkar,
really people in the industry are helpful and nice
the people of belguam are nice and good human beings.....
finally the day come to an end......
My friend Abhijit is an dental final year student. and he suggested to clean and silver filling for tooth in his hospital...
finally i got appointment from junior doctors on Saturday ( my return journey from belgaum to Hyderabad on Sunday evening....).
I entered KLE dental hospital in morning...I moved entire is tooo coooll and beautiful campus ( of course students also)..
so many checkups.. I don't know that saturday is half day.. they are unable to complete whole process of treatment..they told remaining on monday....
then i requested them ,, got special appointment on sunday....
thanks to jr. doctors Nishat and Swati( belongs to Jammu) to their nice treatment even on sunday....
treatment completed around 11.30 a.m on sunday...
I met jadeer and Abhijit at 1 p,m..
I vacated the room around 2 DSP uncle is very nice person.. he gave heartily farewell to me...
I started my journey from My sweet room to railway station around 3 p.m (
abhijit dropped me on his bike )
i still remember the last day of Belgaum days...
At the end i want to mention few lines about Belgaum....It is nice beautiful City..
People in Belgaum are very kind and the whether is always cool.
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Really industrial Training is very useful for me not only in technical direction but also to improve my social communication skills.
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Thanks to
Mr. Hussain ( my classmate in
M Tech@ NIT Calicut , he done industrial training with me in Belgaum) for providing an opportunity to do industrial Training in Belgaum...He only took permission etc.... for doing industrial Training.
the end..