Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Best Personalities I met in my life....

In this Blog i want to memorize Best personalities i had seen in my life

( from child hood onwards.. i understood so many things in life from their attitude and behavior )

G. Bhikshu tata ( old person in my village Laxmi puram(Tiruvuru) at age 5-12)

Venkateswara Rao ( My father )

VijayaLaxmi ( My mother - - Very Innocent )

Lax mi( aunt --- neighbor -- -Tiruvuru)

Pad ma(
aunt --- neighbor -- -Tiruvuru)

- - - - -

Ranga Rao ( Laxmi puram - Teacher --3rd and 4th Class)

Varanasi Ramachandra Murthy ( My mentor - School 5 6 7 class- Tiruvuru )

satyam(6 7 class - friend)

Srinivasa Rao balida ( My Teacher in 8, 9)

vangala Rama Krishna ( my senior - - -during 8 9 10 classes- - -Hindi courses)

- - - -

Jani ( 8 9 friend )

Naresh ( 10 10++ )

Y. Madhavi ( My Teacher 8 9 )

P. Srinivas ( 10++ friend)

V.Srinivas ( 10++ friend)

- - - -

Amar Babu ( Teacher.. B.Tech)

Sunil ( Teacher .. B.Tech)

Karunakar Panchala ( B.Tech EEE - LBRCE)

Kalyan Ayyagari( B.Tech EEE - LBRCE )

Jeevan ( B .Tech ECE-LBRCE )

Hari Babu ( Teacher ACE, Hyd..)

Sagar ( ACE , Hyd - doing M Tech in IIT Delhi)

- - -
Dr. K P Mohandas ( Mentor , IEEE , NIT Calicut - --during M Tech)

Dr. Abraham T Mathew ( counselor, IEEE & Professor , NIT Calicut
- --during M Tech )

Dr. S Ashok ( Coordinator , EIP , NIT Calicut
- --during M Tech)

Amarjit( Chairperson, IEEE, NIT Calicut
- --during M Tech)
Mija s j ( vice-chairperson , IEEE
NIT Calicut- --during M Tech)

(to be continuous)

Friday, October 19, 2007

Nice words from orkut friend

Dear friends in this blog i want to share peaceful words related to life.....
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A professor stood before his Philosophy class and had some items in front of him.

When the class began, wordlessly, he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls.

He then asked the students if the jar was full.

They agreed that it was.

The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar.

He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls.

He then asked the students again if the jar was full.

They agreed it was.

The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar.

Of course, the sand filled up everything else.

He asked once more if the jar was full.

The students responded with a unanimous , replied yes..

The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively filling the empty space between the sand.

The students laughed.

the professor,replied “I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life.

  • golf balls are the important things - your God, family, your children, your health, your friends, and your favorite passions - things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full.
  • pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house, and your car.
  • sand is everything else--the small stuff.

If you put the sand into the jar first, there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls.

The same goes for life.
If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you.

Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness.

Play with your children.

Take time to get medical checkups.

Take your partner out to dinner.

There will always be time to do small stuff...

Take care of the golf balls first, the things that really matter.

Set your priorities.

The rest is just sand.

One of the student raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented.

The professor smiled.

replied:: It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there’s always room for a cup of coffee with friends.

thanks to balu...
Source://// orkut friend.....

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Great words from one of Orkut friend

In this blog i want to share some great words from one of my orkut friend

Love to love n to b loved Coz: "The most loveliest life is living with the one who luvs u...The most loveliest Death is dyin in the arms of one you love.."

Law of life: "Living in hell with our loved ones is always better than living in heaven with no one.."

4 things are important in every ones life :

coz if they break they dont make nOisE.. but pain a lot...

The most encouraging Sentnace: "Mistakes r painful..wen it happns But yrs later a collection of mistakes called experiance which leads to SUCcESs..."

"life is more strict than Teacher..Teacher keeps exam aftr teaching..BUT...!!Life teaches lesson aftr keeping exam.."

In all the relation on this earth the most strong , sweet n ideal relation is a FRIENDs relation coz:"Wen every one walks out of ur life its only a frnd who walks into ur life.."(dont loose ur frnz)

Source:: // orkut friend belongs to My engineerig college

Friday, September 7, 2007

Life at NIT Calicut

This blog about to memorise briefly about life and major incidents happend during m tech course at nit calicut......

( to be continuous)

Motherhood in Real life

In This Blog i want to mention about my peculiar habit (mental imagination).......

Generally , in real day to day life we are facing so many girls , women..........(beautiful , fantastic , Very attractive , and Respectable)

I have different feelings for different girls and women

I enjoyed every moment of real life when i saw a girl or women with different feeling.....

Motherhood is one of the feelings i experiencing when i saw a women ( of course not for every body)

In my opinion Motherhood is one of best relation or feeling in this life....While discussing about this topic i am placing my mother
vijaya laxmi at top on the list.........

When i saw the fallowing women in life
" i became a child and sitting along with them and they
are feeding food to me with their holy and lovely hands". I cannot express that holiness in that feeling and really it is memorable throughout my life..... Whenever i am away from my mother i usually enjoyed the motherhood through these feelings only.... May be this is the main reason I always feel that entire world is my family and i love human beings...............

***************Vijaya laxmi****







K. Padma








Jeevamma Jacob

"------", The Lady i saw in Belgaum Railway station on 17Th evening 4 p.m june 2007

i want to write a few lines to my mothers on this universe
Dear Mother

You blessed me with love and humanity . with your kindness i know respecting people and love the people.

please give me sufficient strength&power , mental stability , physical stability and confidence& positive self esteem to serve the people what ever extent possible for me....

Expecting your blessings...........
Yours lovingly
Rama Krishna

Friday, August 24, 2007

My first Onam Celebrations at NIT Calicut

Dear friends in this blog i want to write about my first onam celebrations..on August 23rd 2007(I am doing M Tech in Electrical engg. Dept. in NIT Calicut)

We celebrated onam along with B.Tech Electricals in our Electrical Dept..This is the first time B. Tech and M Tech celebrations together for Onam....

Sai Krishna and Jeevanand(M Tech) Organised this Holy event along with Abhijit and third year group. My self contributed littlebit in the organisation of the event.

First time i wore Kerala Onam Traditional Dress Doti and White shirt. Really it is great experience to arrange pot games....

We invited all the faculty members , HOD and Acting Director for this Program. Program started around 10.30 am with traditional songs , distribution of payasam, Pot breading and rope pulling . I really enjoyed these celebrations...

our M Tech second year students gave a small onam ice cream treat to our M Tech first years.

Once again thanks to Electrical Dept. to organise nice celebrations.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

The Wayanad Trip - - - -Second toor in Kerala

Dear Friends in this blog i want to memorise about Wayanad Trip on Sunday 12th August 2007.

This is my second toor in kerala, first one is Tushargiri which around 35 k.m from nitc
campus... We went to Tushargiri ( above water falls )last year (during first year of m tech).

We started our journey around 5 a.m from campus in minibus. The Bus journey in kerala roads really a punishment , but while seeing the beuty of kerala we never feel that punishment ...

Part of our toor we first visited Edakkal Cave . Edakkal Cave is really an adventure , we have to climb so many small small hills... at last we rached the cave. It is formed naturally with three big stones(hills). After reaching Cave we have to climb some more hills then we can see almost all wayanad district from that height.

only few reached last but one hill along with me. We have to climb the hills using thread in between , only Anil, Sunil,K.Nagaraju,Xavier , amal john, Chaitanya,Chiru and myself reached the last but one . the experience during those few minutes was valuable and really beautiful locations we can observe from that height......i can still remeber the feel of coool air while standing on the hill.

The next one we visited was Soochippara Waterfalls. The is biggest waterfalls i have seen till now. i provided the link also. Swimming in the pool below the waterfalls is really very funny. we spend most of the day here only. the bus journey from Edakkal Cave to Soochippara Waterfalls is really nice. we have to reach the waterfalls onfoot around 1 k.m from bus halt. Around 4 o clock we retuned from waterfalls , we started our journey to reach Pookot Lake .

Pookot Lake is the last location we visited in the part of the journey , we reached lake too late , so missed boating opportunity. we just move around the lake and came back..

We reached our campus around 7 p.m. .

links for places we visited

My School and Teachers

In this blog i want to recollect names of My teachers from elementary level to PG level
(please add sir/mam while reading the names)

School Name:

Govt. primary School , Laxmipuram ,Tiruvuru,Krishna Dist. A.P.

***Venkateswara Rao:Ranga Rao

Kranthi Public School, Santhi Nagar, Tiruvuru, Krishna Dist. A.P.


Bharat Public School,Main Road, Tiruvuru, Krishna Dist. A.P.

***SubbaRao(Hindi course), SrinivasaRao(my maternal Uncle), Raja, Sudheer Y.Madhavi, Madhavi, Raghu(Hindi course)

Prasanthi Education Society, Tiruvuru, Krishna Dist. A.P.

***Baba, Visweswara Rao, Reddy,Ratnakar,AppaRao,Swami,VenkateswarRao, Raju,Venkataswamy

Prasanthi Junior College, Tiruvuru,Krishna Dist. A.P.

*** VasanthaRao, AppaRao,Veswasawara Rao, Ravi kumar, NagaBhusan, AppaRao, Subramanyam

LakkiReddy BaliReddy College of Engg., Mylavaram,Krishna Dist. A.P. ( B Tech)

***Sharat, Umavani, Amarender Reddy, Sriram, Kesev Reddy, Appa Rao, Bharat Chakravarti, Subba Rao, Sunil, Vijayanand, Srinivas Reddy, Harinath Reddy

ACE Engg. Academy, Hyderabad, A.P. ( GATE Coaching )

***Sheshaya , Murali Krishna , Haribabu , Chakrapani , Ramalingaya , Bala murali Krishna , SaiBaba

National Institute of Technology, Calicut, Kerala ( M Tech )

***Dr.Ashok, Sanjay, Dr.vaidyan, Dr.Jeevama Jacob, Saly Geeorge, T.L Jose, Hemarani, Shivanandan
Dr. Abraham T Mathew(Major Project)


****My Best Teachers***

Ranga Rao

Ramachandra Murthy, Usha , Subadra, Phani

Srinivasa Rao, Y.Madhavi


Vasantha Rao, NagaBhushanam ,AppaRao(Chemistry)

Sunil, Sharat, Vijayanand, AmarenderReddy

Seshaya, Saibaba, Murali Krishna , Haribabu, BalaMuraliKrishna

Dr. Ashok , Dr. Abraham T Mathew , Dr.Jeevama Jacob , Sanjay

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Be A Better problem Solver ----By Prof. Moshe Rubinstein

Dear friends in this blog i want to present an Article by Prof.Moshe Rubinstein Chairman of UCLA's Engineering Systems Department.

"Be a Better Problem Solver----12 Ways to make Good Decisions"

1. Take a good look at the overall picture before worrying about details

2. Consider the Consequences of different Solutions

-- "The smart man escapes predicaments which the wiseman would never have gotten into in the first place". "Look before you leap".

3. Withhold snap judgments. Don't commit yourself to a course of action until you have weighed the alternatives.

--Ordinarily, if you act too hastly to solve a problem, you will find yourself locked into a situation you may regret or may have to change later at greater expense of time, money or effort.

--A better procedure is to search for several solutions simulteneously and use signs of progress to guide you along the best path.

4. Be willing to doubt.

5. Try different directions, even if chances of sucess seem slight.

6. Look for innovative tools to solve old problems.

7. Use models or Analogies to understand your problem.

8. Ask Questions.

--" Asking the right question, uttering the correct word, or hearing it, may help you to retrieve whole blocks of information that will guide you to a successful solution".

9. Don't be satisfied with your first solution.

10. When you get stuck with a tough problem, talk it out with others.

--Verbal exchange gives you a chance to relax, helps to charify essentials in your mind, and provides input from colleagues. At the same time, it is important to listen for you may pick up valuable clues.

11. Don't ignore your emotions.

--Logic and reason have longbeen the hallmarks of science, but emotions, intuitions and hunches have also played a part in problem solving.

12. Consider the frame of Reference in which you decide to solve a problem. Consider that each person looks at life with a different set of values.

It's My Life------Bunch of lovely - joyful days--A long Journery to serve the people


In this Blog i want to memorise my life from childhood onwards to present day.

These  are very simple,innocent and positive lines  based on my memories and experiences in my beautiful and valuable life.

i feel we should  love humanity and share the feelings / ideas/ thoughts  with others,  i believe in  " freedom & sharing"

I remembered the days when i moved across the fields,lakes, gardens and played with groups of cows, goats and birds in my village laxmipuram . I born in village and grown up there only till age of 10.

As our family is basically village background (born in a farmers family)... I used to have much  Milk,butter and curd in those days...

I still remembered the school days in my village....To be frank i am a very bad boy in those days... not good in studies... But i tried to enjoy joyfully every moment of my child hood with good people in my village .

During those days i had a strong feeling in my mind that we should plan our life so that we can serve the people with love.

(to be Continuous )

My words

*Life became beautiful when i enjoyed the taste of bitterness, smart hard work and integrity.

*Life became valuable when I invited responsibility and commitment

*Something simple can change your day.Something simple can change your way.
It’s in your heart, not your mind.
It’s something good inside you’ll find.
Don’t forget who you are.
Don’t forget you’re a shining star

*The “Be” Attitudes

Be understanding to your enemies.Be loyal to your friends.
Be strong enough to face the world each day.
Be weak enough to know you cannot do everything alone.
Be generous to those who need your help.Be frugal with that you need yourself.
Be wise enough to know that you do not know everything.
Be foolish enough to believe in miracles.
Be willing to share your joys.
Be willing to share the sorrows of others.
Be a leader when you see a path others have missed.
Be a follower when you are shrouded by the mists of uncertainty.
Be first to congratulate an opponent who succeeds.
Be last to criticize a colleague who fails.
Be sure where your next step will fall, so that you will not tumble.
Be sure of your final destination, in case you are going the wrong way.
Be loving to those who love you.
Be loving to those who do not love you; they may change.
Above all, be yourself.

(source: )

(to be continuous)


My Favourate : The krishna in Mahabharata

I like : The rama in Ramayana

My leader : Gandhiji

My book : "You Can Win" by Shivkhera

Belgaum Days

Dear Friends in this blog i want to write my experience and way of life style in Belgaum, Karnataka.

I went to Belgaum to complete my industrial training in Hindalco, AdityaBirla Group of Industries.

My journey started from calicut railway station on May 15 early morning 3 a.m in purna express......

i reached belguam around 9 p.m. , i stayed in Hotel in the city .

We have received permission from company one month before while we are in college only.
Next Day i went to Industry i got permission in to the plant and id card etc... But one bad news they informed was they cannot provide the Rooms.

We have to find the rooms for one month in the Belgaum.. I went to training with one of my classmate in m tech. He belongs to karnataka .

The industry is around 10 k.m from city and industry people suggested that we can search rooms city outside. In this area I found one medical, dental and 2 or 3 Homeopathy college are there.

My friend went to relatives home and he told to stay few more days in Hotel mean while he will arrange some room.....

I took the responsibility of searching the room .
I started searching rooms around 3 p.m ...I went to Hostels , Houses and new apartments ;;;; no use, no body was ready to give for one month.... But enjoyed the streets of Belgaum which are full of beautiful MBBs and MDS students... Really they are beautiful.. they gave encouragement to walk on the streets of Belgaum even without food on that day.... I walking continuously still beautiful faces i am founding . it is really memorable day for me during industrial trip..

My room hunt is going on..... it is already 8 p.m

One Gentleman i found getting down from bike and entering into a house. i called him and informed about my situation ; ;

he suggested one single old room under his apartments. He introduced me to House owner Mrs. Aswini ji . She is respectable women... I requested her and she accepted but she is waiting for her husband permission.. It is already 8.30 p.m

I observed that if her husband comes may be problem for my Room Deal so immediately i gave 100 more Rupees what she asked and finalised the room for 1100/-. The Gentleman supported me alot in that situation. He is one of my best friend in Belgaum( His name is Abhijeet Dandekar

I went to my hotel room and returned to Aswiniji home around 9.30 with my luggage.

Her husband waiting for me. He started interrogation asked my Id card of college and industrial permission letter and other proofs .He told , room will be cleaned tomorrow....

I entered the old storage room around 9.45 p.m. No Tube light, No Fan No mat , only one incandescent bulb. I can say that night sleep is worst sleep in my life so far....It is store room so mosquito also enjoyed very much with my hot positive confidence blood( A + is my blood group)

Shocking news on next i have is my owner is DSP and his name is Havel...
My owner family is small family ; two children Nishu and ciri (5 and 2 years old).

My industrial training is half day only, 8 a.m to 12 p.m..

i taken food from one student mess during these days...
I have friends in belgaum... Jadeer ( doing Homeopathy belongs to calicut,kerala) , Mahesh( belongs to belgaum ,, doing Homeopathy...)

visiting Medical student's laboratory is one of memorable experience in belgaum days..'

One fine afternoon (when no prof.. are there) i visited Jadeer"s college laboratory...

I saw live parts of human body which are kept in preservators....
When i saw the internal structure of lungs, brain, heart , spinal cord and all control mechanisms of human body.. We really wonder about gods creativity and greatness....

I saw dead body without skin..It is really a thrilling experience for me..( of course my industrial training friend unable to come to dead body place... )...

my industrial training is full of enjoyments with different experiences.....

industrial visit, mess, chatting , moving on the roads of belgaum in evening, eating mangos of owner's tree,friendship with jadeer and is really fun in belgaum days....

People i met during my industrial training in HINDALCO, Biral Group of industris, Belgaum works..

Mr. Ajay (HRD manager)
Mr. Nesarge( Energy Manager)
Gudi mani and Hittlemani
Redekar, Thamnekar,Ekbote,anigolkar,
really people in the industry are helpful and nice
the people of belguam are nice and good human beings.....

finally the day come to an end......

My friend Abhijit is an dental final year student. and he suggested to clean and silver filling for tooth in his hospital...
finally i got appointment from junior doctors on Saturday ( my return journey from belgaum to Hyderabad on Sunday evening....).

I entered KLE dental hospital in morning...I moved entire is tooo coooll and beautiful campus ( of course students also)..

so many checkups.. I don't know that saturday is half day.. they are unable to complete whole process of treatment..they told remaining on monday....

then i requested them ,, got special appointment on sunday....

thanks to jr. doctors Nishat and Swati( belongs to Jammu) to their nice treatment even on sunday....

treatment completed around 11.30 a.m on sunday...

I met jadeer and Abhijit at 1 p,m..
I vacated the room around 2 DSP uncle is very nice person.. he gave heartily farewell to me...

I started my journey from My sweet room to railway station around 3 p.m ( abhijit dropped me on his bike )
i still remember the last day of Belgaum days...

At the end i want to mention few lines about Belgaum....It is nice beautiful City..
People in Belgaum are very kind and the whether is always cool.

------ - - --

Really industrial Training is very useful for me not only in technical direction but also to improve my social communication skills.
- - --

Thanks to Mr. Hussain ( my classmate in M Tech@ NIT Calicut , he done industrial training with me in Belgaum) for providing an opportunity to do industrial Training in Belgaum...He only took permission etc.... for doing industrial Training.

the end..

Sunday, July 29, 2007

The Taste of Bubblegum

Dear Friends in this blog i want to describe one great moment in my life. happend at the age of 7 years...................

When i am studying second class, in summer holidays i went to my grandfather town Kothagudam . My grandfather name is pulla Rao and they are having Money lending Business through a Private Bank .I met srinu, my ralative, one year elder than me.

One fine day he came with bubblegum, in those days its crazy to children , i am first time tasting bubblegum. I enjoyed the taste of bubblegum....

I am very interesting about the bubblegum , we are planning to gather some coins to buy some more bubblegums.. Finally i collected coins from mother-in-law. I gave to him to buy bubblegums. At 2 o'clock we were started to go to main centre to buy bubblegums. To be frank first time wondering in the city roads . I enjoyed the town with srinu while wondering in the city.. I born and brought up in a village , naturally i am observing everything innocently.....

Finally we reached the Shop where bubblegums are available..Srinu want to show me someother part of the city. He planned the return journy in othe route...I am enjoying the bubbles and moving in the city with him......I have a confidence that srinu know the route very well , i simply fallowing him..

We are crossing so many gallies and junctions , but we are not able to reach our home......
I hope time is around 4 o'clock. Srinu became calm and walking plodly...

Now i understood , we are moving outside the city.. and finally we reached end of the city ..very few houses are there..Srinu and myself became tense and panic

We don"t know the exact address of our house. So many questions in my mind , How to reach home??? how to meet our family?? god??? I have small information i.e Name of grandfather and about his business...

Finally we decided to ask help from people , time is around 5 o'clock . slowly darkness came as Sun moving towards West.... We try to explained our situation to so many people...but no response.

Darkness came completly, Moon is smiling . Under moon light , in a fine moment we went to a small house , where some five or six people sitting together....I requested them to help us , i gave little bit information what i have.......

One young man , may be 20+ , replied positively and he told he visited our bank once..... I felt very happy....... Young man came forward to help us , we both sat on his shoulders... He started to moving towards our house......I never forgot this moment, the happiness ......the feeling in our faces when he accepted to help us.....

Around 8 o'clock in moon light we safely reached our bank( bank and house are in same line) .....Our family members appreciated the Young man.....

Still i remembered the entire situation ........

Thank god, Young man we returned our normal life .................

I wish a happy life to the Young man( now he may be around 40)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Now my friend Srinu, completed M.Sc in Earth Science and he recently joined in job in same field...

my self in nit calicut doing m tech in electrical dept...

this incident in my life has great impression in my well as on my personality and mentality

I am Always ready to help to the people in the Need...

I always request god " Please give a opportunity to help people".....

Thursday, May 10, 2007


Hai friends
In this blog i am going to share some hard experience in kerala.
June 9, 2006 I started my journey from vijayawada to calicut to attend M tech admission in nit calicut through GATE-2006. As part of my journey , i met Arun kumar in chennai, he also coming to nit calicut for m tech admissions.
We (myself,Arun,Ashok and Gopi ) started our journey from chennai to calicut .We enjoyed the train journey in west coast express around 12 hours , we move very close to eachother. We reached calicut around
1 a.m,june 10. We slept in waiting hall upto 5 a.m ,started bus journey to move nit calicut which is around 25 k.m from calicut town.
I sucessfully got m tech admission in electrical engg. with specialisation computer controlled industrial power. We have to show all original certificates for attending the admission and i submitted all original certificates as i selected in this process
Gopi also got admission in communication in ECE department of nit calicut.Unfortunately ashok and arun are still in waiting list......... and entire process of admission completed around 6 p.m of june 10th.
On return journey , we don"t have reservation and there is no direct train from calicut to chennai , so we moved from calicut to shornoor junction in local train where trains are available to chennai at 2 a.m of june11th.
We reached shornoor around 10 p.m and we don"t have any reservation due to this are not allowed to take rest in waiting halls. After small dinner, we enquired about train timings and platform details and we slept in cement benches in railway station far away from crowdy place and no shops near by us so it is cool ,silent and no disturbance our sleep.
After a deep sleep we woke up around 1a.m , found that Arun briefcase,shoes and watch was missing. Unfortunate thing is Arun All Original Certificates were inside the briefcase, he has to atteend other colleges for m tech admission ,now his life is in critical situation.
We searched all the platforms and entire railwaystation but no use, meanwhile
The Train to chennai came , i decided to stayback in shorenoor along with Arun for searching and for complaint in police station.Ashok and Gopi went to chennai in that train and myself and Arun stayed in shornoor.
We started searching for briefcase with the help of railway guard because there is no money inside the briefcase so theif may break it for money ,after finding no money he may through it somewhere. We(myself ,Arun and Guard ) searched along the rails both sides of station around 1 k.m along the rails upto 4 a.m but no use!!!!!!!!????????.
Guard suggested to give a complaint in police station--shornoor and they can help in searching the briefcase.
I entered in police Station ,first time in my life, around 6a.m and wrote a complaint .Once again searching process strated and the mission went upto 9 a.m. Police man suggested that it is not possible to get the briefcase and they cann"t help .He suggested Sub-Inspector of policestation can give a certificat of loss of Original Certificates which is must for applying the duplicate certificates in universities...
So, our task now is to get the Certificate from Police Station ,Arun is not in a position to speak also, the police persons are asking so many questions contnuously are creting tension in our minds. I felt that june 11 is bad day for us, Sub-Inspector of policestation
was not in shornnor , he went to another town on duty. Police man told he will come in afternoon.
We spend in police station more than 3 hrs.. Mean while we observed thief in policestation ,he is speaking in malayalam with us ,but we don"t know malayalam. I still remember the face of Arun with tense and fear about his future. We communicated with police men in hindi for complete the process for getting the certificat of Loss of Original certificates. We are waiting for Sub-Inspector of policestation.
He came around 12 p.m and gave a certificat of loss of Original Certificates . Then i saw a little hapiness in Arun face.We went to shornoor city to buy new cheppal for Arun and taken lunch and came back to shornoor junction railwaystation.
Arun went to chennai with Certificate in his Hand and I got Shabari express which is directly goes to Guntur which is 30 k.m from Vijayawada(where i started my journey) . I left arun hands around 1 p.m in shornoor railwaystation. I went to Guntur around 8 a.m next day morning and I reached my home town TIRUVURU,KRISHNA DISTRICT which around 85 k.m from vijayawada.

- ---------


!!!!!!!!!!!! Arun life??????????!!!!!

He got all duplicates from respectives universities after one month of move around the universites.


Arun Kumar --- --- in -- Anna University doing master degree in high voltage engg.

Ashok --- -- in - - NIT TIRUCHI doing master in vlsi technology

Gopi - - - in - - NIT CALIUCT doing master degree in ECE department


myself mayiri rama krishna in NIT CALICUT doing in computer controlled industrial power as my specialisation....



Monday, April 23, 2007

Dear Friends

i am Rama Krishna from nit calicut,kerala doing my M Tech in Electrical Department with Specialisation Computer Controlled Industrial Power.

Kiruba sir is the first person who let me know about blogs during FOSS @NITC 2007 ,he gave seminar on Blogging on march 3, Friday night 9 p.m..

Anil my friend, inspired me to create my blog on april 23 11:55p.m (IST)

Its very nice to have online dairy to write my openions which i can share with all .

hope i can post very interesting ,useful and inspiring posts in my blog.

I request all friends to give valuable suggessions to make my blog more beautiful.