Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Best Personalities I met in my life....

In this Blog i want to memorize Best personalities i had seen in my life

( from child hood onwards.. i understood so many things in life from their attitude and behavior )

G. Bhikshu tata ( old person in my village Laxmi puram(Tiruvuru) at age 5-12)

Venkateswara Rao ( My father )

VijayaLaxmi ( My mother - - Very Innocent )

Lax mi( aunt --- neighbor -- -Tiruvuru)

Pad ma(
aunt --- neighbor -- -Tiruvuru)

- - - - -

Ranga Rao ( Laxmi puram - Teacher --3rd and 4th Class)

Varanasi Ramachandra Murthy ( My mentor - School 5 6 7 class- Tiruvuru )

satyam(6 7 class - friend)

Srinivasa Rao balida ( My Teacher in 8, 9)

vangala Rama Krishna ( my senior - - -during 8 9 10 classes- - -Hindi courses)

- - - -

Jani ( 8 9 friend )

Naresh ( 10 10++ )

Y. Madhavi ( My Teacher 8 9 )

P. Srinivas ( 10++ friend)

V.Srinivas ( 10++ friend)

- - - -

Amar Babu ( Teacher.. B.Tech)

Sunil ( Teacher .. B.Tech)

Karunakar Panchala ( B.Tech EEE - LBRCE)

Kalyan Ayyagari( B.Tech EEE - LBRCE )

Jeevan ( B .Tech ECE-LBRCE )

Hari Babu ( Teacher ACE, Hyd..)

Sagar ( ACE , Hyd - doing M Tech in IIT Delhi)

- - -
Dr. K P Mohandas ( Mentor , IEEE , NIT Calicut - --during M Tech)

Dr. Abraham T Mathew ( counselor, IEEE & Professor , NIT Calicut
- --during M Tech )

Dr. S Ashok ( Coordinator , EIP , NIT Calicut
- --during M Tech)

Amarjit( Chairperson, IEEE, NIT Calicut
- --during M Tech)
Mija s j ( vice-chairperson , IEEE
NIT Calicut- --during M Tech)

(to be continuous)


Anonymous said...

hey rama krishna ,

Went through ur blog .. looks pretty interesting .. appreciate ur patience and time that u r putting in to carving out this .. great job ..

keep writing more ... i am sure u will do much better with ur blog space in the future ..

I do not know exactly why u call me one of the best person's u met , but I am happy to hear that from u and will be glad if i am really worth ur appreciation ..

all the very best ..


Hari Vishnu said...

nice one.. one day i will put up a similar blog too.. maybe after i pass out from college..

I wonder who you're going to add later on on that list..

Unknown said...

good blog man
i would be more happy if u put a blog on some non-sense mess
njoy dude