Monday, December 15, 2008


Dear friends in this blog i want to share about my life journey in 2008

I have seen lots of colors in my life -- 2008

January 1 , 2008

I(as chairperson IEEE till Feb 2008) organized a round table meeting with Professors of NIT Calicut, Kerala who are interested/actively involved in Nanotechnology . This was held in PG Block /Electrical in my campus.

Dr. Abraham T Mathew IEEE counselor played major role on behalf IEEE , Hari my best IEEE Buddie actively involved as IEEE Link Representative in the meeting & other IEEE members are also contributed well along with us.

Finally we came up with positive results & I announced the our first ever 2 day Technical event in IEEE , NIT C "Nanotechnology-2008" scheduled on Feb 23 , 24...

following great brains of NIT Calicut helped us as

  • Dr.Shoban
  • Dr.Subramanyam
Mr.Sujit & Miss.Mija were the faculty coordinators

Mr.Rohit & Mr.Harshad were the student coordinators

I feel this was the best project/event i involved/organized & really memorable day..

January 21 & 23 2008

This was the best day in my life.... I undergone a eye surgery ( 21st for left eye & 23 for right eye) to have a spectacle free life.....I suffered more than 10 years with eye sight problem...

Thank god & my parents .....

Now, I can see this lovely ,romantic, colorful nature & human beings with my eyes....The surgery was held in LVPEI , Hyderabad ...

Feb 2008

Our IEEE Team members organized a technical paper presentations and event announced as "Saptarishi-2008" .

Tirumal Reddy & M Anand were the student coordinators for this event..

23 24 Feb

We organized a 2 day Nanotechnology technical Event in NITC Campus..

The best days of student career in NIT C , as we are able to show the potential of IEEE members to NIT C campus and this was the first ever introduction of Nanotechnology to NITians.
I feel this is my best day in IEEE as a chairperson.

Nanotechnology website was designed by Mr.Bhojraj

Mr. Manu , Secretary IEEE contribution was excellent with his poster design for all IEEE programs & specially for Nanotechnology

Mr.Narender played role of convener for this program

March 2008

This was a special month for me ....I am able to manage to get second job in my campus placement .Game ( Patni Computer Systems was first job in august 20 2007)

company: WAPCOS Ltd..(Govt. of India undertaking ----PSU)

Water And Power Consultancy Services...

It is all about Hydro power generation design & consultancy related..

April 4 ,5 &6 2008

on this day i contributed for FOSS 2008( Free & Open Source Software 2008) as convener for a 3 day event....

Mr.Deepak was the faculty coordinator
Mr. Hari was the co-convener

Effort of IEEE, CSEA & CSI students was really great....

This program is all bout to have good revolution in India regarding independent & free softwares ( in different applications Operating system to Technical packages like MAT LAB). It is really nice to have seat on dais as convener along with Chief Guest , Director,PG Dean on Friday evening on 4th April 2008.

June 4 2008

This was the day i presented my M Tech technical stuff as a Major project.,
to be frank as a student i feel the project was just above average

Dr. Abraham T Mathew support was great as the project guide

June 2008

This was the month i left NIT C .

this is the month i moved away from my beloved friends in the campus who are friendly,lovely,colorful ,beautiful & smiley....

The support i received from my friends & IEEE members in NIT C was the energy , inspiration & everything for me during my NIT days...The support from them always keeps me so smiley ...

I enjoyed bike riding first time.

July 2008

I joined prolific Automation Training Institute ,Hyderabad to learn SCADA & PLCs( AB,GE & Siemens) ....

August 2008

I came to delhi on august 4 .....

I joined in WAPCOS Ltd..PSU of Govt. of India... on August 11 2008, my first job.. I visited BHEL,Bhopal on 23 August as Inspection Officer from our inspect Governor control system Hardware Cabinet.

Sept 2008

I had a trip to Delhi & Agra with my M Tech friends who are working in Ari cent ...Gurgaon

The minutes i spent in Akshara Dham & Tajmahal were really memorable.

Taj was really so so cute...

October 2008
i celebrated my 25th birthday on 24..Oct

November 2008

I joined in Prolific Automation Training Institute, Noida for learning DCS & Automation basics...

I can say sweet November ..bcoz..I realized that i am in love with some one...I like her smile and innocence.....

December 2009
I went to home from Delhi after a Job days of 4 months....and enjoyed the ride on our new bike at home....

Overall 2008 ,,,More challenging for me .and It gave a new life ,look & Job ...It was memorable time for me in Kerala

Friday, October 24, 2008

Country Central Security Force

Friends, in this Blog i am proposing an idea regarding improving the security in our country.

the simple reason for writing this blog ...
.i have a habit of thinking about the country current issues...

This Blog is dedicated to my country people on " world Peaceful Day - Oct 24 "

NOTE: the concept and wording used in this blog are given by me.If it resembles or coincides with ideas of any person or organisation, it is just a coincidence.

Our country should have a central security force named as "Country Central Security Force". This can be formulated with following responsible person's in the country...

Department : Country Central Security Force
Counselor: President
Chairperson: Home Minister
Supreme Members (9) :CBI (3), Intelligence(3) , Army chief, Navy chief and Air force chief
one among them is chief supreme
Executive Members: Home ministers of every state is an Executive members
Members: Top police official from every state is a valid member of this group

The vision , Mission and Mode of functionality are not yet finalized.

thank U : thanks for spending your valuable time here....

" some people make the world happen:: More watch the world happen:: Most wonder what happened"

for suggestions

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Hai Friends , In this blog i want to share few lines about Father.

Gandhiji is our Nation Father , I hope most of Indian know him , his Ideas and His Great achievements..

In this blog, i want to mention few lines about my father Mr. M.venkateswara Rao

Dad is working presently as Post Man in Postal Department, The Govt. of India.

Dad was the second son of Mallaya who was a Farmer with sufficient Lands of Mango and Rice Fields.. Basic schooling happened in my village( up to 5 ). Further education was in Tiruvuru ( near Town ) .

Dad started his life as temporary Post Man in my village Laxmipuram( my native place -- all my childhood memories bonded with this village ) when he is studying 8 class. He continued his studies up to 10(of course, failed ).

Then he started working in our own rice fields and Mango Gardens while doing job.After few months Mom(Laxmi) entered his life ( Feb 22) .
Dad interested to complete his failed subjects of 10 , he done it with in months of marriage life.
We have rice fields and Mango gardens , i still remember that my parents working day & night in our own fields.

I really wondered about his planning & Time management...He managed both Job and rice-mango fields parallel y....I understood multi tasking ability from dad in those days..

I like his discipline ( while staying with elders ), Planning, confidence and aggressiveness.
I like his aggressive leadership quality very much.

When i was a child, Dad & his friends organized "Kabaddi" Games in our ground. I hope more than 4 villages participated...Dad played for our village. I still remember , for any problem in village Dad and his friends discus together and taking a decision...All these created a good impression in my mind about Leadership....

I love Dad
( continues...)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Delhi Dairy

Delhi Dairy

Hai Friends in this blog i want to share my memorable days in Delhi..

I entered our capital on Aug 4..


Thursday, September 11, 2008

Dangerous Dreams at 25

Hai friends in this Blog i want to share my innocent Dreams at the age of 25 ( Oct 24 is my birthday). These Dreams are dangerous Dreams why becoz these dreams never allows me to sleep peacefully...

A valuable Dream of our Young Indian's can bring great revolution in India ( the Young brain of Ambani, Kapil Dev, Kalam, sachin , Bindra ......are best exaples)

My opinion is
" Inspiring 100 people is better than advising 1 person"
" May be all the people in India are not our Relatives but INDIA is ours -- we have to inspire our Indians to build better Nation for our future generation"

There are three positive reasons to write this Blog
  • These Dreams makes me more confident and proud ... useful to direct myself in positive path of life for better future
  • These Dreams helps you to think about your real dreams and achieve some of those
  • This Blog may inspire my friends and my Indians

My Dreams are not to be a

  • " friend of Katrina Kaif or Hritik Roshan"
  • "Right hand of Rahul Gandhi"
  • "Son-in-law of Ambani brother or Laxmi Nivas mittal"
  • "Best friend of Dhoni or Abhinav Bindra"
  • "President of INDIA "

The Dangerous Dream of Rama Krishna are

  • Inspiring Crores of people positively to build better Nation with confidence and smile
  • Serving the people of India as part of The Govt. of India and / or asIAS or IPS or IES
  • Participating in The Olympics in Swimming and winning a medal for India

Friends, It is not possible to achieve Every Dream for Every body , But i can achieve at least one among them....

Thanks for spending your valuable time here, I wish you also list your Dreams and share with your friends and plan to achieve some of those...

Have a beautiful and valuable Day.....

Note: This is first revision of this Blog. For any Improvements or suggestions please mail me ...

" Improvements are basic steps to achieve best quality in life"

The Birthday

Hai friends in this blog i want to share my ideas on The Birthday celebrations..........!!!!!!!!!

Of course, every body will celebrate birthdays .... !!!cake with candles, birthday Bumps, blessings from parents, teachers and wishes from friends , parties ...finally visiting the temple in evening is common schedule for all of us .....

In my opinion the real birthday celebrations are
......some people should celebrate your/our birthdays as a festival or a great day...They should feel proud about the way of life you/we spent...

my view the following people birthdays are great days ( ofcourse i listed few only...u can remind the great minds in world)

Their life on earth inspired crores of people and they created standard in their own fields.
They shown new paths to next generation in their respective fields
They gave happiness , smiles , confidence ...of course challenges to our younger generations

  • Newton
  • Einstein
  • Edison
  • Graham Bel
  • Gandhi
  • Mother Teresa
  • Dhirubhai Ambani
  • Rakesh Sarma
  • Kalam
  • Tata-Birla
  • Kapil Dev
  • Sachin
  • Leander
  • Kalpana Chawla
  • Bindra

ofcourse we can list so many great poeple in this universe.....we should understand so many ideas from their success....

Hai friends i forgot to tell u my Birthday is on Oct 24 ...of course, i have to celebrate like all of you...simply as a common man among crores in India....

I wish some day few people celebrate my birthday as happy day in their life...I wanna see/spent/experience such type of life.......Wish me all the best!!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My first Job -- WAPCOS Ltd.

Hi friends this blog is to describe about my first job....

My first job is in WAPCOS ( Water And Power Consultancy Services) Ltd. , A Govt. of India Undertaking...

Our Organisation deals with all Hydro Electric Power Generation Projects in India and Abroad ( around 40 countries..). It is basically a consultancy services on behalf Govt. of India in association with CEA ( Central Electricity Authority ) and CWC ( Central Water Commission ).

Our Team presently working on Hydro Electric Power House and it's control design..

Design Review/Quality control/Inspection  of Turbine, Generator, Governor system, Excitation Systems, Generating Transformers, Bus bars, PLCC and supervisory control of Power House..etc are our Team Major Tasks...

Our Team includes Mr. S.K. Gupta( chief Engineer), Mr. Shubas Chand( Addl Chief Engineer) , Mr.Jogender Sahu(Sr.Engineer) , Mr. Alam(Engineer) and myself...Our Team members are really dynamic and helpful...

Monday, April 14, 2008 ...... world where i found inspiration to win this life

Friends in this blog i want upload some great inspirational words from

This is the world where i usually found relaxation and inspiration for better tomorrow...

( to be continuous)

Friday, April 11, 2008

Farewells in NIT Calicut

hi friends

in this blog i want to mention few lines about Farewell parties i received in NIT Calicut...

April 9 --Wednesday--- Director 's farewell to all outgoing B Tech and M Tech students

April 10 ---Thursday--Electrical Department 's farewell to Electrical B Tech and M Tech students

April 11 ---Friday ---4 p.m--IEEE Farewell

April 11 -- Friday -- 6 p.m -- Electrical Juniors 's Farewell

I wish a great joyful career to every friend who has shared my NITC days...

Have a great journey of life..

Monday, April 7, 2008


Friends in this Blog i want to share my memories when working with FOSS Team. @NIT Calicut...

i was participated in  FOSS MEET   in 2007 and 2008  on behalf of IEEE, NITC

FOSS MEET 2007 was a three day event

i was part of organizing committee . Though i didn't play any major role in the FOSS-MEET , it gave lot of opportunity to understand about leadership qualities, organisation skills, how to be a active team member etc..etc..

special mention about this FOSS MEET  was ...blogging .I attended one workshop on blogging , it was very interesting... I started blogging after this FOSS MEET.

FOSS MEET 2008 was a three day event

Though i was not involved much technically to finalize the technical content of the program. I was the Convener for this program. press conference, addressing the group during inauguration etc...are part of my responsibilities...

Nut shell, The idea of FOSS MEET i.e "it's all about Freedom & sharing" had great impression in my mind.

Technically i may not contribute to FOSS as i am a Electrical Engineer but it is very important to spread this movement in India, which leads to soft-world where we develop our program/application/tools etc..independently.

Friends, it's all about Freedom of having your own code/software/application and sharing it with your friends..

My best wishes all my friends/ NITians/ IEEEians who are working / contributing  for FOSS in India.

My first press conference

Dear buddies

in this blog i want to describe about my first press conference....

We had press conference on Thursday 3rd April 2008 for FOSSMEET@NITC 2008

Dr. KP Mohan Das , Mr. Rajagopal , Mr. Manu and Mr. Manish were there with me in this press conference...

( to be continuous)

Sunday, March 30, 2008


Hai friends in this blog i want to share my memories in IEEE Student Branch of NIT Calicut during my M Tech course...

I am The Chairperson for IEEE NIT C Student Branch during 2007.

( to be continuous )

Friday, March 28, 2008

Ragam celebrations .........MY BEST SLEEP - - - - Pt. Shivkumar Sharma

Hai friends this is special blog.... this is on the memorable occasion of RAGAM - our NIT Calicut cultural Festival....

Ragam was scheduled on March 26 27 28 29 of 2008

On Thursday 27 th SPIC-MACAY ... The musician of santoor Pandit Shivkumar Sharma came to NITC and the concert was arranged in Auditoriam..

please visit for pandit profile

the classical music was excellent and pleasant..

I slept so many times in real life...But----

The most memorable moment is when i had sleep while pandit Shivkumar Sharma playing traditional kasmiry music.... on Santoor Instrument..

After Dir. G R C Reddy inaugurated the program.. the music started very slowly and i slowly went to sleep and it was sooo sweat and cool .... I don't know i 40 min went ...

Just i opened the eyes when crown gave big claps ..

It was really fantastic and memorable sleep i had in my life...

I felt i went to heaven for few min ....

this about few lines of my Best sleep ....

Friday, March 14, 2008

My people and Society

Friends This blog is very special one....

I want to names of all the human beings i saw and i communicated in my beautiful and memorable life..

( Before writing their name ... I pray god that " please bless these people for having better life " )

( Grand Father : Malliah and Grand mother : Mallamma
Father : M. Venkateswara Rao Mother : Vijayalaxmi Brothers : Mahesh and Nischal )

Really , to be frank it is a test for my memory power ....

I am giving society/ place /organization /school and their Names

Laxmipuram ( my childhood place )

*** Bhikshu tata , Ranga Rao sir , Venkateswara Rao sir, .....

Tiruvuru ( my high schooling and permanent residence )

*** Ramachandramurthy sir, Usha teacher, Srinivasarao sir, Vishnu murthy garu, Dhana Laxmi garu, Padma , Laxmi ......

Kranthi Public School ( 5 6 7 classes , Tiruvuru )

*** Satyam , Jagan, Santi, ......

Bharat Public School ( 8 9 classes , Tiruvuru )

*** Madhavi teacher , Raja sir , Sudhir sir, Jani, Jagadish, Hari, Narasimharao, Pratima....

Prasanthi Education Society ( 10 10+ 10++ )

*** Hanumanth Rao sir, Baba sir , Raju sir , Naresh, Srinivas, Padmavati, Anuradha, Usha kranti, sarita, ......

Nalanda Education society ( EAMCET coaching for engineering entance exam-- 40 days )

*** Kamal , Anji, Guru

Lakireddy Balireddy College of Engineering ( B Tech -- 4years )

*** Amarbabu sir , Sunil sir , Jeevanand sir , Umavani mam, Subbarao sir, Bharat Chakravarti sir, Amarenderreddy sir,
Nagendra, kalyan, Karunakar, Madhu, Srikanth, Murali , Vinod, Ravi, Rajesh, Satish, Ashok , Pavan, Srinivas, rama Krishna, Srilakshmi, Sridevi, Sushma, Nalini, Rajashekar Reddy, raja, ....

ACE Engineering Academy ( GATE Coaching )

*** Gopala krishna sir, Khan sir, Shesaya sir, Saibaba sir, Haribabu sir, Murali Krishna sir,
sagar , Sivakonda Babu, Anil ji, Sharma ji

NIT Calicut ( M Tech)

*** Dr Ashok , Dr Abraham T Mathew, Dr Sreeram kumar Dr Paul K Joseph.. Dr Jeevamajacob, Dr vaidayna Dr paul K Joseph Dr Moideen kutti Dr susythomas Dr Nandakumar

vamsi ,M. Nagaraju , Balaji, Surender,sai Krishna , Jeevanad, Ramana Tirumal Cheranjivi K Nagaraju Akhileash SSrikanth Balawanth Vinod Guru srinivas Parthish Bharat Subbu Sasi sharat sunil amal sunny chaitanya anil Xavier hemender yugender suribabu rajesh rajii mahender dasari anvesh Anji sivareddy sunil sasikumar( continuous)


*** Dr K P Mohandas , Dr Abraham T Mathew , Amarjit, Deepak Malani, Mija ,Manu , Hari , Joseph, Narender, M. Anand, R. Anand, Sridhar, Nikhil, Prason, Harshad, Abhijit, Mojahid, Ramesh , Vishnu, Rathod, Veerababu, Anji, Leena, Indu, Amulaya, Gopi, Ananth,Rohit , Vikas

Future Indian Leader

Helo Friends

This video is inspiration to every Indian ....especially for me